I like Nate Boyer a lot. I was impressed and moved by his interactions with Colin Kaepernick. Nate is also an American warrior, who humbly served this great country and has my esteem gratitude and utmost admiration. I do appreciate his message of unity and his desire to bring us together. But yeah, no! It is about Trump.

I believe kneeling for the anthem is a flawed protest that I will not engage in. However, when Trump vulgarly used it to label peaceful protesters as miscreants, Trump drew a line, not others. I’m choosing to stand on the other side of the line.

Trump’s side has always desired a literal divide in a border wall, mass deportation, a Muslim ban, government interference in women’s birth control, “law and order” in black communities, deregulation of environmental protections, and silence from the media and other critics.

We’re not sure what more has to happen before nice white Christian folks accept that this bigot is perpetuating the divide, but no white person is telling us how to find common ground with the Nationalist Front and their sympathizers. Again, they’re not interested in cleansing other whites, at least not yet.

While most Kaepernick critics are not white nationalists, they’re also less troubled by a president who proclaims that there are very fine neo-Nazis in America than a president who calls black activist SOBs.

This is about right or wrong. I’m happy to have the side I stand on labeled the wrong side, as long it is the opposite side of white supremacists. The same way I’m happy to go to hell, as long as Trump supporting evangelicals are not there. We’re not finding a middle ground with those passionate about having us gone. We have had many face to face with them, and have seen their inability to overcome their fears as well as their vast capacity for hate.

There is no common ground between minorities and the Klan. Eminem said it best: if you’re still struggling to decide which side of the line to stand on. Please allow me to invite you to stand on the Trump side as we’re not interested in your neutral support. Eminem didn’t state it quite that way, respectfully, I rephrased it a little.

I realize for some, this perspective is outrageous, offensive, and fabricated. However, is it truly that repugnant and flabbergasting to believe that a country whose short history includes the genocide of natives, the enslavement black people, the denial rights to women, and countless other prejudicial atrocities; would still have many white supremacist waiting for a politician to promise them a return and realization of a dormant fearful hate?

If you’re still looking for a middle ground and compromise, please stand with Trump on the other side of the line. I never thought I would find something to appreciate about neo-Nazis. But I appreciate their directness and candor.

There’s is no middle ground for them. We’ve already looked them in the eyes, realized we are the scapegoats to their fears and have experienced their hatred. We’re not going to try to defeat their hate with an olive branch of love. We’re going to combat their hatred by doing the thing that infuriates them the most. We’re going to exist and live the best lives we can, or we’re going to die trying.